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  • 2023-06-08 16:11:15|
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  • 来源:赛程直播吧





[–]ignatious__reilly 1679 points an hour ago

We are witnessing Greatness. Jokic is in full command of the game. He controls every aspect of it. Tonight he had 32/21/10

Meanwhile, MPJ doesn’t even exist. But Murray played great (as expected) and 16 year old Braun stepped up in a big way. Great game from him.



[–]Thunderhomefree122 353 points an hour ago

The only other players to achieve 30-20-10 in postseason history were Kareem and Wilt. Just insanity.

雷霆球迷: NBA历史上,在季后赛拿下过30+20+10的,也就贾巴尔和张伯伦了啊~实在太牛了~约老师~

新闻链接>>>>>>季后赛历史一共5次30+20+10 约基奇3次&张伯伦贾巴尔各1次

[–]NuggetsGovernmentDoingStuff 245 points an hour ago

And neither did it in the Finals

掘金球迷:更牛的是,贾巴尔和张伯伦这俩大神可没在总决赛拿过30+20+10啊 !!

[–][NYK] Jerome Jordani_am_the_senate_ 94 points an hour ago

It’s really going to be interesting to see where Jokic ranks all time at the end of his career. It might be even higher than we think it could be


[–]honestnbafan 40 points an hour ago

I could see him finishing with 3 rings(1 of them would likely have to be these Finals which SHOULD happen) and 3 MVPs which would give him a similar resume to Larry Bird


[–]WarriorsOrphasmia 14 points an hour ago

I could see many more than 3. He’s only 28, around a great team coach and culture, plus his game will likely age pretty well being more skill based than athleticism.


[–]SurrealJay 5 points an hour ago

over steph and kd probably


[–]Festynursey12 8 points an hour ago

Feels like it will be above steph if he cares enough. So... like top 10?


[–]loves_2_spooge_666 [score hidden] 48 minutes ago

everyone be cool in this thread


[–]RaptorsAloofAltruist 2173 points an hour ago

Two 30-point triple doubles for the Nuggets. Historic showing.


新闻链接>>>>>>穆雷&约基奇季后赛同砍至少30分10助 NBA近31年来首对组合!

[–]NetsCleanMachine2 765 points an hour ago

Amazing duo. Murray was statpadding at the foul line by the end, but it all counts haha!



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